Sometimes you find new QGIS functionality when a user asks you a question. Somebody working with house geometries was looking for a way to copy the same attributes to a set of selected houses. He was looking if certain types of houses in a city were usable for solarpanels on the roof. And often a […]
Monthly Archives: February 2012
Een kleurenschema voor de TOP10NL
When opening a geo-file for the first time in QGIS, random colors are assigned to the points, lines, and polygons. QGIS offers excellent features to design and use color style schemes. This article describes how to do this, with the objective as follows: I was just seven years old when someone gave me the special […]
Invoerformulieren gebruiken in QGIS
QGIS has something called forms to make it easier to change te attributes of an object. This article is about the use of these forms. As exampel we use a dutch dataset of the houses of the netherlands (BAG) which only contain geometries and not other attributes. These we are going to add ourself. We […]
Legenda maken met LegendSVG
QGIS does not create a proper legend for maps with pie charts or circles with variable size. I wrote a program to produce legends in Scalable Vector Format (SVG). In the QGIS Composer, the result can be added to the map as an image. If necessary, the legend can first be modified with a SVG-editor […]