(English) Temporary Fix for OpenLayers Plugin

Current development version of QGIS ( upcoming QVIS 2.0 ) has undergone a nessecary upgrade of the Python-Cpp glue (SIP) which temporarily broke almost all python plugins. Currently plugin devs are busy fixing their plugins to be usable on time for the real launch of QGIS 2.0. One plugin notably missing plugin is the OpenLayers-plugin, […]

Het beste uit Top10NL, BAG en OSM combineren in QGIS

For some time now I’ve been using the BAG buildings in QGIS as an alternative to the Top10NL buildings. The BAG buildings are more accurate, after all. This is not to disqualify the Top10NL, on the contrary: each geo data set has its own merits. The Top10NL is unbeatable regarding terrain details. As for the […]