On Eenvoudige PDOK services plugin voor QGIS (in Dutch) Richard already described how to use the PDOK plugin to connect to webservices of the Dutch PDOK infrastructure. This infrastructure offers nationwide and publicly available WMS, WFS and some tiling services of Dutch governments. This video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NjLG4KtpdYk shows how to use the plugin to create a […]
Monthly Archives: October 2012
Eenvoudige PDOK services plugin voor QGIS
Sorry, this entry is only available in Dutch.
Python one-liners for adding wms, wmts, wfs layers
In the Netherlands, currently there is a movement to make more and more data available for the general public. This is done via different services: WMS, WMTS and WFS services via a service called PDOK (Publieke Data Op de Kaart). While creating a plugin to list and load all those layers in QGIS I had […]
Iets als lyr stijl bestand voor QGIS
Last weekend there was a user on the QGIS users list mailinglist asking the question if QGIS had something similar like the .lyr file in the ESRI world. I knew that you could save and re-use the styling of a layer in QGIS by saving a style as a .qml style file. BUT I was […]