Last weekend there was a user on the QGIS users list mailinglist asking the question if QGIS had something similar like the .lyr file in the ESRI world.
I knew that you could save and re-use the styling of a layer in QGIS by saving a style as a .qml style file. BUT I was not ware of the possibility to name it exactly the same as you data / shape file (and putting it next to it) to be automatically openened en used in QGIS.
It’s alway nice to learn and shate this little features: thanks Morten.
I was just wondering this too…but the file is not really like a .lyr file…that is, it would be nice to have a file that you could add to your map that brought in the reference to the data layer, and the symbology…
Currently you cannot bring a .qml file in directly, rather you have to bring a SHP into your map, then open the properties, then apply the style.
Ah, ok. So you say that a .lyr file actually contains a refence to the data it was created for? That is, not only by naming convention, but also a hard link or so? But that can only be an absolute url isn’t it?
Did not know that. My joy today was that I was not even aware of the ‘same name’ possibility in QGIS. I see already good use for that 🙂
I wan not aware of the same name file in the same folder until I read it on the mailing list either. That is so handy and saves time especially on bigger projects.