Georefereren van een medaille

Yesterday I ran the half marathon of Zwolle wearing a hat with the previous QGIS logo. My time was not so special (2:08:47) but the medal I earned was. It shows a simple map of the city of Zwolle.

original medal of Zwolle half marathon 2017
De originele medaille van de halve marathon van Zwolle.

You can see some buildings but which ones?
I decided to georerence the medal and add a map using QGIS.

  1. First I scanned the medal to create a PNG image.
  2. Next I georefererence the image using Georeferencer GDAL plugin that is delivered with every QGIS installation but needs to be activated using the Plugin manager. In het menu Raster you can now start the georeferencer tool.
  3. Then I added the layer “lufolabels” using the PDOK plugin that you can easily install and download using the Plugin manager.

The result you see below.
The buildings are: Broerenkerk, Peperbus, Grote St. Michaelskerk, De Fundatie and Sassenpoort.
Diethard Jansen

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