Meer combi's Top10NL en AHN25 in QGIS 1.8

As of July 2012, Dutch Geo-office Kadaster has published an update of the Top10NL topographic GIS data set. Areas of central-NL + Rotterdam have been updated. Some ‘holes’ in the terrain have now been corrected, and the new industrial port area “Maasvlakte 2” (under construction) is now visible for the first time. The data set […]

Esri File Based Geodatabases en Oracle connecties openen met QGIS

GDAL and OGR ( libs from Frank van Warmerdam are famous software libraries which make it possible in the Open Source world to read and write a plethora of gis file formats. The nice thing about QGIS is that it using OGR and GDAL. So with every addition or enhancement in those libraries, QGIS itself […]